Thursday, February 12, 2009

Amber Peavyhouse: Cheesy Sausage Penne

This is amazing. I tried just some of it that stuck to the aluminum foil last night and could have eaten the whole dish. I've gotten to know Amber here in Louisville, but we drive the same car and are both from the Central Florida area and both love to cook. We have to be friends right. This is also why I like hanging out with people who are good cooks - you get great recipes, you get challenged to make new things, and they also enjoy food. She is a great cook for her family and others in our community and in their neighborhood.
Amber and her husband, Matt, volunteer at our church and are both from the Tampa area - so we know many people in common. They have three cute kiddos. I've enjoyed hanging out with them.
So, make this, share it, eat it, enjoy it!

From Amber:

Sometime in the last few years I stumbled upon this recipe in a cooking magazine (can’t remember which one now) and I had to give it a try. This hearty meal is delicious! The first time I tried it I thought: this seems so obvious…who wouldn’t like a traditional pasta dish with the added twist of a cream cheese/sour cream sauce? Another plus is that it’s pretty simple and makes plenty. I often pair this with a salad and loaf of bread when taking a meal to a new mom. It stretches a long way and refrigerates well. Also, for a healthier alternative I have substituted the pasta with whole grain and the cheeses and sour cream with lighter varieties and it still tastes awesome. Hope you enjoy!

Cheesy Sausage Penne
1 lb. bulk Italian sausage
1 clove garlic, minced
1 jar (26 oz) spaghetti sauce
16 oz penne
8 oz. cream cheese, softened
8 oz. sour cream
4 green onions
2 cups shredded cheddar

Cook meat and garlic over medium heat and drain. Stir in spaghetti sauce and bring to a boil. Reduce heat, cover and simmer for 20 minutes. Cook pasta and drain. In small bowl combine cream cheese, sour cream and green onion. In a greased, shallow 3qt. Baking dish, layer half the pasta and sausage mixture. Dollop with half of the cheese mixture. Sprinkle with half of the cheddar cheese and repeat layers. Bake at 375° for 30-35 minutes or until bubbly.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i'm drooling all over my keyboard...

i am adding this recipe to my grocery list and weekly menu as we speak! thanks for sharing!