Saturday, October 11, 2008

Hold the Mott's Applesauce

I love applesauce. Do I like Mott's - yes. But, 2 years ago, when I made my first applesauce from fresh apples and a food mill - I seldom return to the glass jars of Motts.
Tonight - my first batch of 2008 Applesauce. I used a more ingredients recipe this time and really liked it. Also, I didn't use my food mill, but left it more chunky.

8 large golden delicious apples, peeled, cored, and quartered (or thick slices)
1/2 cup (unpacked) brown sugar
1/3 cup sugar
1 cinnamon stick
4 lemon peels (just take a veggie peeler to a lemon
juice of one large lemon
1 cup water
2 pinches salt

Boil, then simmer for about 25 minutes. Drain most of the water (a quick drain). Take out lemon peels and cinnamon stick. Mash with a potato masher.
I served mine hot with WW turtle ice cream on top - so yummy. Like an apple pie a la mode (without the fattening crust!)

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